How did he do it? He took the Slique in 60 Pledge!
If you purchase any qualifying Young Living Slique kit
once a month for two consecutive months and use the products faithfully and
according to directions for 60 uninterrupted days, Young Living promises that you’ll see a
change for the better! If you’re unsatisfied at the end of the trial period,
they'll give you a product credit equal to the amount of your purchase.
So, in January 2017, he purchased the Slique Complete Kit
Everyday he took the Slique CitraSlim Capsules as directed.
Slique CitraSlim includes a proprietary citrus
extract blend, which some studies suggest may help support the body in burning
excess fat when used in conjunction with a healthy weight-management plan.
This polyphenolic mixture of flavonoids offers powerful antioxidants that are
touted for their health benefits. This blend may also support the release of
free fatty acids, which help break down fat.
He replaced one meal every other day with a Slique Shake.
Slique® Shake is a complete meal replacement
shake that provides quick, satisfying, and delicious nutrition. Formulated with
Essence Essential Oil Blend, this shake may support healthy weight management
when combined with regular exercise and a sensible diet. In a convenient
single-serving size packet, it’s easy to slip into a purse or pocket for
healthy eating on the go. Slique Shake’s berry flavor is great on its own
or mixed with almond milk or fruit, and its vegan formula contains no
artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or GMO ingredients. Instead, Slique
Shake is naturally sweetened with Stevia, organic coconut palm sugar,
wolfberries, and strawberries. The formula also includes pea protein, quinoa,
wolfberry, pumpkin seed protein, and alfalfa grass juice, making it not only a
tasty protein shake but an excellent source of dietary fiber as well. Slique
Shake also includes a fruit and vegetable blend that provides essential
vitamins and minerals that many meal replacement options don’t offer.

If he found he needed a snack, he would enjoy a Slique Bar.
Slique Bars dual-targeted satiety approach and
medley of exotic fruits, nuts, and science creates the perfect functional,
nutritious snack to help you feel fuller, longer.
If he found himself struggling with a craving during the day he would chew on Slique Gum. He just about always added Slique Essence to his drinking water. Drinking half of your body ounces in water each day in an important part of any wellness regiment, and naturally flavoring your water with essential oils helps one to do that. Slique Essence combines grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, spearmint, and ocotea with stevia extract in a unique blend that supports healthy weight management goals.
Or he would spice things up a bit with the Slique Tea.
Want to know more about the Slique Products? You can see the science behind the Slique products and read additional testimonials here.
He also used other Young Living products to help him stay energized all day long, like Young Living's NingXia Red.
If you have not yet joined our family in the kitchen for NingXia Shots, try one of these delicious recipes.
To get started, log into your Virtual Office and purchase your qualifying Slique kit today! Not yet a Young Living Member?
Get started today!
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