Have you missed me? We were down and out this week with the stomach bug :o( Poor "Boo" had it for nearly four days. "M" was lucky enough to escape it - praise God for his mercy! So anyway, school just did not quite happen this week. I tried to do a few fun activities with "M", but my energy was not quite there so we spent a lot of time reading and coloring (and I am ashamed to say watching movies - some weeks you do what you have to to survive!). We did have a special guest in the house this week though that I would like to introduce you to:
Fruity Bear is clothed in the "Fruit of the Spirit" stickers and always on the look-out for acts of love and kindness. He's funny and silly and ready to hand out stickers whenever one of the girls displays love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control. "M" is especially fond of Fruity Bear (although all the pictures I have are of "Boo" with him). When Fruity Bear yells at the top of his lungs, "'M', where are you? I caught you being (insert fruit of Spirit)", "M" will take off running and hide. Fruity Bear will look all over for "M" (behind the curtains, under the couch, behind toys, etc.) and when he finally finds her she is rewarded with tickles and a sticker. "M" will proudly display her sticker and tell me about it all day long. For example, "Look Mommy, I shared my toy with sissy even though it meant that I did not have a car to play with and Fruity Bear told me that was kind." Fruity Bear has also been reading us Bible stories each morning that give examples of Fruits of the Spirit.

Fruity Bear is clothed in the "Fruit of the Spirit" stickers and always on the look-out for acts of love and kindness. He's funny and silly and ready to hand out stickers whenever one of the girls displays love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control. "M" is especially fond of Fruity Bear (although all the pictures I have are of "Boo" with him). When Fruity Bear yells at the top of his lungs, "'M', where are you? I caught you being (insert fruit of Spirit)", "M" will take off running and hide. Fruity Bear will look all over for "M" (behind the curtains, under the couch, behind toys, etc.) and when he finally finds her she is rewarded with tickles and a sticker. "M" will proudly display her sticker and tell me about it all day long. For example, "Look Mommy, I shared my toy with sissy even though it meant that I did not have a car to play with and Fruity Bear told me that was kind." Fruity Bear has also been reading us Bible stories each morning that give examples of Fruits of the Spirit.
I have been trying to emphasize letter sounds, and so we reviewed the letters we have learned so far with this fun alphabet game. This is something that I plan on doing once every week (with different objects) as we add more letters. I filled up a pillowcase with objects from around the house that represented different beginning letter sounds:
A is for Apple
I have been trying to emphasize letter sounds, and so we reviewed the letters we have learned so far with this fun alphabet game. This is something that I plan on doing once every week (with different objects) as we add more letters. I filled up a pillowcase with objects from around the house that represented different beginning letter sounds:
A is for Apple
B is for Butterfly
C is for Cookie
D is for Dog
E is for Elephant
F is for Fork
G is for Girl
C is for Cookie
D is for Dog
E is for Elephant
F is for Fork
G is for Girl
H is for Horse
great post. i duno how you do it all.
Haha, I don't do it all! What you do not see in the photos is the mounds of laundry on the couch, the toys scattered everywhere, the crumbs all over the floor, or the fact that we ate GF noodles nearly every night for dinner last week because I did not have the energy to cook! I just choose the battles I want to fight each week, and try to keep training our children towards the top of the list.
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