Have you ever been on a nature walk with five little ones in tow? It can be challenging with so many children so close in age together! But it can be so much fun too and a prime learning experience. We love to play games on the trail like "I Spy". I gear the game towards particular school goals the children are working on (shapes, colors, beginning sounds, short or long vowel, rhyming words, Etc). Towards the end when the little ones start tuckering out we sing silly songs like "The Ants Go Marching" and will often make up some verses to help them laugh their way to the end of the trail.

Oh, and you know those informations signs that are posted along some trails filled with all kinds of wonderful information that you'd like to read and share with your children? Snap a quick photo of them as you are walking by. Go through the photos after the hike and plan some fun lessons around them. Relive the excitement of the hike as your children learn and grow. Often one hike will provide a weeks worth of lessons and crafts.
Now it does not matter where we are, if we see a Red or White Oak our 5 and 6 year old will burst with excitement as they point out the tree :)
Happy learning!